Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Increasing ASM memory parameter

Note: if you are huge pages then automatic memory management is not support. please check that before using AMM.

Today I have increase the ASM memory on two environment. I have noticed huge difference in the ASM behaviour.

#1 (bhuora002/  bhuora003).

I have increase the ASM memory through command prompt.

Alter system set memory_max_target=2G scope=spfile sid=’*’;
Alter system set memory_target=2G scope=spfile sid=’*’;

Behaviour: When I try to bounce the GRID, ASM start without any issues.

#2 ( bhuora004/  bhuora005).

I have increase the ASM memory through command prompt.

Alter system set sga_max_target=2G scope=spfile sid=’*’;
Alter system set sga_target=2G scope=spfile sid=’*’;

Behaviour: When I try to bounce the GRID, ASM is not start and it has thrown error message. I taken the backup of spfile and change the values in the init file.  Once I have modified the values, I have used the same pfile to start the ASM instance(mount stage). Once it is mount, I have created the spfile from the pfile which I have used.This spfile set in the all the places.  Then I have stopped the ASM instance & bounced the GRID.

 So please use the memory_target & memory_max_target parameters while trying to increase the ASM memory parameters.

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